Travelers Wiki

Marcy Warton, played by starring cast member MacKenzie Porter, is the doctor for the show's core team. Her host is a mentally disabled woman who works as a cleaning girl in a library. The fact that she was mentally disabled was unknown to The Director in the future due to fake social media profiles created as an exercise with her social worker David Mailer to help teach her about the world. The fake social profile stated she was a librarian and David was a reporter she had met while he was doing research for a newspaper story.

Averted Death

Marcy was to have died at the hands of a group of hooligans as shown in the opening scene in the first episode, Travelers. In the scene, Marcy distracted the group from terrorising a colleague who had just left work and as the group started to come for her, she fell on a staircase and bumped her head, knocking her unconscious. When she awoke and didn't see the group, she started to leave only to be met by the group who started taunting her. The consciousness transfer occurred and Traveler 3569, being trained in hand-to-hand combat, was able to beat them off.
